Welcome to my WEBSITE

This is a repository of some of my personal interests, which gathers opinion pieces and reading on several topics such as History and Politics.

What is the point of studying history?

This is something I wondered for a long time myself, even after starting my graduation on the subject. My professors in the early semesters quite succintly killed my motivations through expousing a particular branch of post-modern ultra-deconstructionist perspectives which brought the students to question the very basis and usefulness of being a historian, tearing down concepts which we were barely aware of in the first place. The passage of time, personal studies, debate among colleagues and lectures by more measured materialists were all important paths in the long march towards restoring my faith in the academic process. The fact of the matter is: history must have a point. The biases inherent to our academic perspectives do not mean we must abandon professional pretense altogether. Much rather, we can use the tools of academia, filtered through critical analysis, to produce a new historiography which is both revised and transformative in relation to the colonial foundations of academic scholarship, while also retaining practical and political utility.

Through this prior reflection, I was finally able to understand the point of studying history - to expand our potentials of reality. By understanding concepts such as Class, Race, and Gender as not absolute, but rather dependent on particular contexts of material conditions, we can expand what our current reality is capable of being, drawing inspiration from both historical societies and civilizational plans for the future. History thus becomes a tool through which we are capable of shaping the world around us - or at least seeing through its naturalized deceptions.

Is there an objective historical truth?

idk lol